Usecases research
We offer large amount of services. Our specialists investigate users’ needs and competitors’ products. We discover all advantages, usability of future product usecases and values that customers have in this product.
We help to investigate and to document in detail all customer’s ideas about new website / service / program / application. Here are examples of usecases: Registration, Remind password, Create a document.
Our specialists investigate the needs of our customers and competitors' products to increase productivity of future product.

Most of user's actions are based on CRUD rule:
Creating an element (document, account)
Reading an element
Editing an element
Removing an element
Different users have different needs. For an example we show you the process of selling a jingle:
- Marketer George: Makes Advertising
- What he needs:
Find a jingle
Listen to the jingle
Save the jingle to bookmarks
Buy the jingle
Read about copyright
- Singer Laura: : Sells songs
- What she needs:
Register an account
Download a jingle
Sign a copyright transfer agreement
Receive jingle payment

How actually research is conducted
Defining the user's needs is a necessary step for development of any site / service / program / application. If we satisfy users’ needs with convenient and functional interface, you will get a product that customers seek. We have different techniques for collecting usecases:Analysis of competitors' programs
Usually, you need to explore the strengths and weaknesses of similar products to create a new site / service / program / application. At the first stage of research our specialists can collect usecases by exploring functionality of similar existing interfaces.Future customers
Our specialists meet with users who already use similar products, or with those who’s searching a new service. We note all the usecases, determine which elements of interface will satisfy needs of users.Example: Interview
- What we test: Future interface of site / service / program / application
- Who we investigate: Potential users
- When it is used: To determine customer needs.
- Research progress:
This is one of the most common types of research. Our specialists meet with a group of potential users, inquire them what actions they would use in future interface. Usually their experience is based on similar services that don’t satisfy them (why?) or satisfy (how exactly?). We note and systematize their needs.
Example: Shadow
- What we test: Functional and interface of the existing site / service / program / application
- Who we investigate: regular users
- When it is used: To identify problems that are not recognized by regular users, who are used to existing interface.
- Research progress:
Our specialists spend some time (from several hours to a day) with regular customers, watching how they work with the interface. They note and investigate all user actions by asking whether it's comfortable to use tools. This kind of research helps us understand how we can improve an interface.
Example: Game "Boat"
- What we test: Functional and interface of large existing site / service / program / application
- Who we investigate: regular users (3-10 people)
- When it is used: To identify those elements of interface that regular customers don’t like.
- Research progress:
Users are more likely to reveal what elements of interface disturb them from working with website in gaming, creative format. On a board we hang a paper model of "boat", which symbolizes a site / service / program / application. We distribute paper anchors to users, where they can write down problems they encounter while using the interface. Then they place anchors in turn and explain how they would fix problems in new version of the program.